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We recommend saving your file as a high resolution JPEG, which will help reduce the size and enable you to maintain a high quality image. If your file is larger than 4MB, you can also try saving it as a PDF, JPEG or TIF format. These file formats compress images in different ways to achieve a smaller file size.
PDF is a good choice for simple line art.
JPEG reduces the number of pixels and will work well for photographs that are too large to upload. Experiment with different levels of quality when saving to JPEG to get the best quality possible at an acceptable file size (less than 50 MB).
TIF is another recommended file format for good quality printing results.
Instructions on how to reduce the size of your with a few recommended programs.
Adobe Photoshop:
To decrease size of a Photoshop file, flatten the file. If it is still too large, save it as a .pdf. Select encoding: jpeg. First select #12 quality. Save the .pdf and check the file size. If the file is still too large, try saving it at lesser and lesser quality until it is small enough to upload.
Last updated on July 8, 2008 by Angel Printing, Inc.
Phone: 760.967.0492 | Fax: 760.967. 0496
3614 Ocean Ranch Blvd. | Oceanside, CA 92056