Printing FAQ / Glossary > Technical questions

How to save as a PDF file in Publisher

1) Under the Tools menu on top of your screen, select Commercial Printing Tools, and select Color Printing. The 4th button should be Process colors (CMYK). Check that radio button, and click Ok.

2) Again under the Tools menu on top of your screen, select Commercial Printing Tools, and select Fonts. Select the top choice - Embed True Type fonts when saving publication. Make sure that this is the only square checked. Then click OK.

3) Save Publisher file. (Send the Publisher file.)

4) To save as PDF, under the File menu, goto Print. And under the Name of the printer, select Acrobat Distiller or Acrobat PDFWriter. Then click OK and this should save a PDF that is ready for us to use.

If you follow steps 1-3, then the Publisher file should be good enough for us to use.

Last updated on July 18, 2008 by Angel Printing, Inc.


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