Printing FAQ / Glossary > Technical questions

RGB vs. CMYK (submitting your artwork right)

Before submitting a proof to Angel Printing, one thing to note is all computer monitors use RGB to display color. RGB stands for the three primary colors of light - Red, Green, and Blue. RGB can be described as the computer's native color space for capturing images and displaying them. As human eyes are sensitive to these primary colors - red, green, and blue - all colors are perceived as a combination of these three colors. When an image in RGB prints to the CMYK process it can take on a slightly different look. Some colors that you see on the computer monitor may not reproduce exactly the same after the image prints through the CMYK process. In addition, some computer monitors display a limited range of colors with a variation in resolution (depending on the resolution capabilities of the monitor). Angel Printing automatically converts images to CMYK before printing. However, it is highly recommended that if you have the software available, you convert your images to CMYK color before submitting them for printing ensuring you’ll get the best results.
The following is a list of programs that can convert your image to CMYK as well as directions on how to convert the image:

Adobe Photoshop 6 & CS
If the file already exists select the following menu options: Image/Mode/CMYK When starting a new file select CMYK for the mode before clicking OK.

Corel Draw 9
Select each object you want to convert. Select the Fill tool and click Fill Color Dialog. Make sure the Color model is CMYK. For each object with an outline, select the Outline tool and click the Outline Color Dialog. Make sure the Color model is CMYK.

Adobe Illustrator 9 & CS
Use the following menu options. For an existing file select Edit/Select All and then Filter/Colors/Convert to CMYK. For a new file, select File/New and select CMYK color for the Color Mode.

Quark Xpress 4.1 and up
Use the following menu options: Edit/Edit Colors/Show Colors in Use/Highlight Color and click Edit. Change model to CMYK and deselect Spot color. Remember to send us your layout and linked images!

Adobe InDesign 1.5.2 and up
Use the following menu options: Window/Swatches and Window/Color. Double click color in Swatches Change color mode to CMYK and color type to Process. Any colors created in the documents that are not in the Swatches palette, need to be changed to the CMYK color space. Select each object you want to convert and make sure the Color palette reflects the CMYK percentages. Click top right arrow in the palette to change to CMYK if necessary. Remember to send us your layout and linked images!

Adobe Pagemaker 6.5
Use the following menu options: Window/Show Colors. Double click "colors" in palette and select Model to be CMYK and Type to be Process. Please be advised that Pagemaker does not successfully represent CMYK color on the monitor.

The following programs do not have the ability to convert to CMYK.
Adobe Photoshop LE
Adobe PhotoDeluxe
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Powerpoint
Microsoft Works
Microsoft PhotoDraw
Picture It Publishing

Last updated on July 8, 2008 by Angel Printing, Inc.


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3614 Ocean Ranch Blvd.  |  Oceanside, CA 92056