About Angelprint | Toll Free: 1 888 7 MY ANGEL
We recommend using Adobe Illustrator for one page or smaller printing designs.
Use Adobe Illustrator, create outlines for your fonts, and save file as an EPS file type, compress with WinZip (PC) or StuffIt (Mac). This design technique allows us to easily place multiples of your final design into a layout program such as InDesign or QuarkXpress to fit our large press sheets to maximize efficiency and lower your printing prices. Great for Business Cards, Flyers, Postcards and Brochure Printing.
Last updated on July 8, 2008 by Angel Printing, Inc.
Phone: 760.967.0492 | Fax: 760.967. 0496
3614 Ocean Ranch Blvd. | Oceanside, CA 92056