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Samples printed on a consumer based ink-jet printer or home-based laser printer, although printed in CMYK ink, you’ll generally find that the colors look slightly altered after final printing is complete. Angel Printing uses professional, high-end commercial printing presses in the industry to reproduce the truest possible industry standard CMKY colors. Other factors can come into play that may affect your original colors when printing from a consumer based printer that include the types of inks, the toners, climate, type of paper stock, the amount of ink released onto the paper stock as well as the speed in which it dries. For these reasons Angel Printing recommends using a Pantone Color Swatches (PMS value) and that you convert all images to CMYK color before submitting them to us for printing to ensure the best results.
Last updated on July 8, 2008 by Angel Printing, Inc.
Phone: 760.967.0492 | Fax: 760.967. 0496
3614 Ocean Ranch Blvd. | Oceanside, CA 92056